A survey commissioned by Suomen Perusta Foundation for Taloustutkimus (a well established polling firm) shows that 46 percent of Finns would be ready to stop accepting refugees and asylum seekers and instead support refugees in refugee camps. 41% of the respondents were against the idea and 13% could not say their opinion.
The survey asked what the respondent’s opinion is about the following proposal: Finland stops accepting asylum seekers and quota refugees and transfers the resources freed from this to helping refugees in refugee camps.
The majority of the supporters of the Finns party (Perussuomalaiset) (84%), the National Coalition Party (Kokoomus)(59%) and the Christian Democrats (55%) would like to completely stop humanitarian immigration and transfer assistance to the refugee camps. Half of the supporters of the Center Party would be ready for this (50%) and less than half of the supporters of the Nyt-movement (43%). The proposal was supported by a good third of Social Democrat supporters (36%), a good quarter of Swedish Party supporters (27%), and about a fifth of Greens (22%) and Left Alliance (21%) supporters.
The data collection was done as a telephone interview between November 27 and December 7, 2023. 1014 people responded to the survey. The study sample was weighted according to age, gender, residential area and household size to represent the target group. The statistical margin of error at the 95% confidence level of the entire sample is approximately ± 3.2 percentage points at its largest.
Suomen Perusta Foundation is a Finnish political think tank that is close to the Finns party. Our objective is to provide information, research and opinions for better political decision making and public debate.